About GDPRhub

From GDPRhub

GDPRhub is a wiki with GDPR-related decisions and knowledge and an online community, enabling anyone to find and share GDPR insights across Europe!

GDPRhub collects and summarises decisions from Data Protection Authorities (DPAs) and courts across Europe. We believe a good overview of national decisions is a key to a pan-European debate on the interpretation of contentious GDPR issues. As we monitor more than 100 webpages across all Member States for new decisions, this database grows day by day — subscribe to GDPRtoday to get a weekly update!

GDPRhub is an initiative by noyb.eu, and made possible by the contributions of hundreds of volunteers.

Become a Country Reporter

Would you like to be one of those volunteers and join of a community of like-minded professionals passionate about all things GDPR? Then become a Country Reporters, the regular contributors that help keeping the GDPRhub consistent, up to date and accurate. As a Country Reporter, you will hear about new decisions in your chosen country via email or our internal chat rooms, and may be asked if you can contribute a summary. Ideally you can update the GDPRhub for your home jurisdiction that you may already follow in your daily work.

We are in regular contact with our Country Reporters and host an open virtual meeting every month with noyb lawyers presenting current GDPR issues. What's more our Country Reporters receive a little gift (and a certificate, if wanted) when they submitted a certain number of decisions to the GDPRhub and the newsletter.

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