
Accurate titles for the decisions of DPAs: Difference between revisions

From GDPRhub
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|UOOU (Slovakia) - number of the decision

Latest revision as of 09:43, 25 June 2024

Given that serves as a research tool for both experts and non-experts, it is important that the decisions uploaded on the platform are easily discoverable. Thus, we aim for that the decisions are named in a uniform way in order to ensure quick and easy searches.

DPA Title of the decision of that DPA
Austria DSB (Austria) - year-0.XXX.XXX
Belgium APD/GBA (Belgium) - XX/year
Bulgaria CPDP (Bulgaria) - PNN - XX-XX/year
Croatia AZOP (Croatia) - DD-MM-YYYY
Cyprus Commissioner (Cyprus) - number of the decision
Czech Republic UOOU (Czech Republic) - number of the decision
Denmark Datatilsynet (Denmark) - year-XX-XXXX
Estonia AKI (Estonia) - 2.1.-X/XX/XXXX
European Union
Finland Tietosuojavaltuutetun toimisto (Finland) - number of the case
France CNIL (France) - SAN-year-XXX
Germany Each DPA has its own rules
Greece HDPA (Greece) - XX/year
Hungary NAIH (Hungary) - number of the case
Iceland Persónuvernd (Iceland) - number of the case
Ireland DPC (Ireland) - number of the case
Italy Garante per la protezione dei dati personali (Italy) - XXXXXXX
Latvia DVI (Latvia) - name of the case
Lithuania ADA (Lithuania) - name of the case/of the parties
Luxembourg CNPD (Luxembourg) - Délibération n° XXFR/year
Malta IDPC (Malta) - CDP/XXXX/XX/year
Netherlands AP (The Netherlands) - name of the case
Norway Datatilsynet (Norway) - XX/XXXXX
Poland UODO (Poland) - number of the case
Portugal CNPD (Portugal) - Deliberação year/XX
Slovakia UOOU (Slovakia) - number of the decision
Slovenia IP (Slovenia) - number of the case
Spain AEPD (Spain) - number of the case
Sweden Datainspektionen (Sweden) - DI-year-XXXX
United Kingdom ICO (UK) - name of the case/of the parties