
How to add a new decision

From GDPRhub
The easiest way to submit a new case to our wiki, is the GDPRhub Submission Form:
  1. Create an account with GDPRhub
  2. Log in with your Account
  3. Fill out the GDPRhub Submission Form
  4. Click submit
  5. Once you have submitted a case, you can edit the page like any other wiki page


For all other options, see below...

Guide on all GDPDhub Submission Form Elements

Choose the right version

There are three versions of the form:

  • One for DPA Decisions (Data Protection Authorities)
  • One for Court Decisions
  • One for CJEU Decisions (Court of Justice of the European Union)

Note: There is no form for other types of bodies, but you can usually use the Court form and maybe edit the details in the final wiki page. Our team is happy to help you there.

Enter the Meta Information

The correct meta information is key to enable readers to find your summary. Please take care to be very precise, as many elements require each digit to be correct, so that your summary shows up in the right category.


  • Jurisdiction: it only allows EU Member States, EEA Member States, the "European Union", Switzerland and the UK.

Authority or Court

  • DPAs: All details of all relevant DPAs are already in our system. You just have to choose the right authority.
  • Courts: When addition local courts, please take special care to enter the right details:
    • Abbreviation ("Abbr."): This should be the short form the Court as used in the Member State (for example the "Kammergericht" in Berlin is abbreviated as "KG Berlin")
    • Name: The full name of the Court as used in the Member State (for example "Kammergericht Berlin")
    • English Name: The English (usually descriptive) name of the Court to make foreign readers understand what type of court this was. Some Member States have official English names (e.g. Germany) with other Countries you have to translate the name yourself. If your Court has an English name (e.g. the Irish High Court) you just enter the same name twice.

National Case Number or Name

  • National Case Number: Most Member States have some form of case numbering. Just enter the relevant number here. If in doubt, maybe check how the other cases from your country were formatted. You can check for example by clicking on your jurisdiction.
  • Case Name: Some Member States use case names, in these cases enter the case name instead of the number.

Note: If the case was not published or you do not know the details (e.g. because there is only a press statement by the DPA) then you can enter a descriptive case name (e.g. "Austrian Postal Service").


  • Some Member States also add the European Case Law Identifier (ECLI) to decisions. If that is present, you should add it here.

Applied Law(s)

  • GDPR Article: Choose the GDPR Articles and the sub-paragraph that are relevant for your case.
    • You can add multiple articles. Always add all relevant Articles (e.g. Article 6(1)(a) and 4(11) GDPR in a case concerning the requirements of consent).
    • Always use the most specific sub-paragraph (e.g. Article 6(1)(a) GDPR for consent and Article 6(1) GDPR if there was no legal basis at all).
  • EU Law: If any other EU law was relied on, add the Article and name of the law and a link
    • Follow the Format "Article 1(2)(a) Directive 2021/1234" for the name
    • Add a link (e.g. to EurLEX) for the relevant law
  • National/Other Law: You can add other relevant national laws (e.g. a national Data Protection Act).
    • Follow the common national short citation (the text has to go in a small box)
    • Add a link (e.g. to the national legal database) for the relevant law

Type of Decision, Outcome & Fine

For DPAs you can add the type of decision, the outcome and the fine. Just choose the relevant value form the drop-down options. This allows us to e.g. later compare fined or find cases where a DPA has upheld complaints or fined controllers on certain issues.

Date Decided or Date Published

  • Whenever possible, add the "date decided" in the box.
  • If there is no information about the date a case was decided, you can at least add the data a case was published, or the relevant source was published.


Some cases say who the parties were. If so, you should add the name. You may also add the URL of the party, as this can help readers to understand the context or type of controller better. When the parties are abbreviated (e.g. "A versus B") you can add "A" and "B" as names.

Original Source

to be added

Appeals Information

to be added

Case Summary

to be added


to be added


to be added


to be added


to be added

Machine Translation

to be added