How to add a new decision
From GDPRhub
Here you will soon find more info on how to add a new decision to GDPRhub.
Generating a new page
If you search for a page that doesn't exist (using the search box and click enter) then you will be provided with a red link to create the new page.
Make sure you use the correct name for the page, which is defined in our GDPRhub Style Guide. In simple terms it's "(DPA/Court name) - (Record Number or Name)".
Templates for DPA decisions
Here you soon find templates for DPA decisions.
As of now we highly recommend the following approach:
- Go to an existing DPA decision (ideally of the same DPA)
- Click on "edit source"
- Copy the entire source code
- Generate a new page (e.g. by searching for the correct name of the new decision)
- Paste the entire code from the previous decision
- Adapt the code to the new decision