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17 August 2021

  • 16:0216:02, 17 August 2021 diff hist +435 N Template:Recital/167 GDPRCreated page with "{{Recital |Number = 167 |Title = Implementing Acts |Content = In order to ensure uniform conditions for the implementation of this Regulation, implementing powers should be co..." current
  • 16:0116:01, 17 August 2021 diff hist +968 N Template:Recital/166 GDPRCreated page with "{{Recital |Number = 166 |Title = Delegated Acts |Content = In order to fulfil the objectives of this Regulation, namely to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of natur..." current
  • 16:0116:01, 17 August 2021 diff hist +363 N Template:Recital/165 GDPRCreated page with "{{Recital |Number = 165 |Title = No Prejudice to the Status of Churches and Religious Associations or Communities Under Current Constitutional Law |Content = This Regulation r..." current
  • 16:0116:01, 17 August 2021 diff hist +689 N Template:Recital/164 GDPRCreated page with "{{Recital |Number = 164 |Title = Professional and Other Equivalent Secrecy Obligations of the Controller |Content = As regards the powers of the supervisory authorities to obt..." current
  • 16:0016:00, 17 August 2021 diff hist +1,304 N Template:Recital/163 GDPRCreated page with "{{Recital |Number = 163 |Title = Production of Official European and Official National Statistics |Content = The confidential information which the Union and national statisti..."
  • 15:5915:59, 17 August 2021 diff hist +1,059 N Template:Recital/162 GDPRCreated page with "{{Recital |Number = 162 |Title = Processing for Statistical Purposes |Content = Where personal data are processed for statistical purposes, this Regulation should apply to tha..." current
  • 15:5915:59, 17 August 2021 diff hist +289 Template:Recital/161 GDPRNo edit summary
  • 15:5815:58, 17 August 2021 diff hist +323 N Template:Recital/161 GDPRCreated page with "{{Recital |Number = 161 |Title = Consenting to the Participation in Clinical Trials |Content = For the purpose of consenting to the participation in scientific research activ..."
  • 15:5715:57, 17 August 2021 diff hist +372 N Template:Recital/160 GDPRCreated page with "{{Recital |Number = 160 |Title = Processing for Historical Research Purposes |Content = Where personal data are processed for historical research purposes, this Regulation sho..." current
  • 15:5615:56, 17 August 2021 diff hist +1,211 N Template:Recital/159 GDPRCreated page with "{{Recital |Number = 159 |Title = Processing for Scientific Research Purposes |Content = Where personal data are processed for scientific research purposes, this Regulation sho..." current
  • 15:5615:56, 17 August 2021 diff hist +934 N Template:Recital/158 GDPRCreated page with "{{Recital |Number = 158 |Title = Processing for Archiving Purposes |Content = Where personal data are processed for archiving purposes, this Regulation should also apply to th..." current
  • 15:5615:56, 17 August 2021 diff hist +1,099 N Template:Recital/157 GDPRCreated page with "{{Recital |Number = 157 |Title = Research Based on Registries and Scientific Research |Content = By coupling information from registries, researchers can obtain new knowledge..." current
  • 15:5615:56, 17 August 2021 diff hist +2,226 N Template:Recital/156 GDPRCreated page with "{{Recital |Number = 156 |Title = Processing of Personal Data for Archiving Purposes in the Public Interest, Scientific, Historical Research or Statistical Purposes |Content =..." current
  • 15:5515:55, 17 August 2021 diff hist +896 N Template:Recital/155 GDPRCreated page with "{{Recital |Number = 155 |Title = Processing of Employees' Personal Data |Content = Member State law or collective agreements, including ‘works agreements’, may provide for..." current
  • 15:5515:55, 17 August 2021 diff hist +1 Template:Recital/154 GDPRNo edit summary
  • 15:5515:55, 17 August 2021 diff hist +239 Template:Recital/154 GDPRNo edit summary
  • 15:5415:54, 17 August 2021 diff hist +1,803 N Template:Recital/154 GDPRCreated page with "{{Recital |Number = 154 |Title = Public Access to Official Documents |Content = This Regulation allows the principle of public access to official documents to be taken into ac..."
  • 15:5315:53, 17 August 2021 diff hist +1,809 N Template:Recital/153 GDPRCreated page with "{{Recital |Number = 153 |Title = Processing of Personal Data Solely for Journalistic Purposes, or for the Purposes of Academic, Artistic or Literary Expression |Content = Memb..." current
  • 15:5315:53, 17 August 2021 diff hist +480 N Template:Recital/152 GDPRCreated page with "{{Recital |Number = 152 |Title = Implementation of a National Penalty System if Necessary |Content = Where this Regulation does not harmonise administrative penalties or where..." current
  • 15:5315:53, 17 August 2021 diff hist +835 N Template:Recital/151 GDPRCreated page with "{{Recital |Number = 151 |Title = Administrative Fines in Denmark and Estonia |Content = The legal systems of Denmark and Estonia do not allow for administrative fines as set o..." current
  • 15:5215:52, 17 August 2021 diff hist +1,673 N Template:Recital/150 GDPRCreated page with "{{Recital |Number = 150 |Title = Administrative Fines |Content = In order to strengthen and harmonise administrative penalties for infringements of this Regulation, each super..." current
  • 15:5215:52, 17 August 2021 diff hist +682 N Template:Recital/149 GDPRCreated page with "{{Recital |Number = 149 |Title = Criminal Penalties by and for Infringements of National Rules |Content = Member States should be able to lay down the rules on criminal pena..." current
  • 15:5215:52, 17 August 2021 diff hist +1,247 N Template:Recital/148 GDPRCreated page with "{{Recital |Number = 148 |Title = Penalties |Content = In order to strengthen the enforcement of the rules of this Regulation, penalties including administrative fines should b..." current
  • 15:5015:50, 17 August 2021 diff hist +1 Template:Recital/147 GDPRNo edit summary
  • 15:5015:50, 17 August 2021 diff hist −7 Template:Recital/147 GDPRNo edit summary
  • 15:5015:50, 17 August 2021 diff hist +761 N Template:Recital/147 GDPRCreated page with "{{Recital |Number = 147 |Title = Specific Rules on Jurisdiction |Content = Where specific rules on jurisdiction are contained in this Regulation, in particular as regards proc..."
  • 15:4815:48, 17 August 2021 diff hist +1,606 N Template:Recital/146 GDPRCreated page with "{{Recital |Number = 146 |Title = Claim for Damages |Content = The controller or processor should compensate any damage which a person may suffer as a result of processing that..." current
  • 15:4815:48, 17 August 2021 diff hist +444 N Template:Recital/145 GDPRCreated page with "{{Recital |Number = 145 |Title = Plaintiff's Right to Choose the Place of Jurisdiction |Content = For proceedings against a controller or processor, the plaintiff should have..." current
  • 15:4815:48, 17 August 2021 diff hist +1,087 N Template:Recital/144 GDPRCreated page with "{{Recital |Number = 144 |Title = Lis Alibi Pendens |Content = Where a court seized of proceedings against a decision by a supervisory authority has reason to believe that proc..." current
  • 15:4715:47, 17 August 2021 diff hist +3,196 N Template:Recital/143 GDPRCreated page with "{{Recital |Number = 143 |Title = Action for Annulment of Decisions of the EDPB and Right to an Effective Judicial Remedy |Content = Any natural or legal person has the right t..." current
  • 15:4715:47, 17 August 2021 diff hist +1,274 N Template:Recital/142 GDPRCreated page with "{{Recital |Number = 142 |Title = Right to Mandate a Non-Profit Body, Organisation or Association |Content = Where a data subject considers that his or her rights under this Re..." current
  • 15:4715:47, 17 August 2021 diff hist +1,346 N Template:Recital/141 GDPRCreated page with "{{Recital |Number = 141 |Title = Right to Lodge a Complaint and Right to an Effective Judicial Remedy |Content = Every data subject should have the right to lodge a complaint..." current
  • 15:4615:46, 17 August 2021 diff hist +412 N Template:Recital/140 GDPRCreated page with "{{Recital |Number = 140 |Title = Secretariat and Staff of the EDPS |Content = The Board should be assisted by a secretariat provided by the European Data Protection Supervisor..." current
  • 15:4415:44, 17 August 2021 diff hist +1,137 N Template:Recital/139 GDPRCreated page with "{{Recital |Number = 139 |Title = EDPB |Content = In order to promote the consistent application of this Regulation, the Board should be set up as an independent body of the Un..." current
  • 15:4415:44, 17 August 2021 diff hist −517 Template:Recital/138 GDPRNo edit summary current
  • 15:4315:43, 17 August 2021 diff hist +467 N Template:Recital/137 GDPRCreated page with "{{Recital |Number = 137 |Title = Provisional Measures |Content = There may be an urgent need to act in order to protect the rights and freedoms of data subjects, in particular..." current
  • 15:4315:43, 17 August 2021 diff hist +866 N Template:Recital/136 GDPRCreated page with "{{Recital |Number = 136 |Title = Opinions and Binding Decisions of the EDPB |Content = In applying the consistency mechanism, the Board should, within a determined period of t..." current
  • 15:4215:42, 17 August 2021 diff hist +297 N Template:Recital/134 GDPRCreated page with "{{Recital |Number = 134 |Title = Joint Operations |Content = Each supervisory authority should, where appropriate, participate in joint operations with other supervisory autho..." current
  • 15:4215:42, 17 August 2021 diff hist +532 N Template:Recital/133 GDPRCreated page with "{{Recital |Number = 133 |Title = Mutual Assistance and Provisional Measures |Content = The supervisory authorities should assist each other in performing their tasks and provi..." current
  • 15:4115:41, 17 August 2021 diff hist +372 N Template:Recital/132 GDPRCreated page with "{{Recital |Number = 132 |Title = Awareness-Raising Activities and Specific Measures |Content = Awareness-raising activities by supervisory authorities addressed to the public..." current
  • 15:4115:41, 17 August 2021 diff hist +1,329 N Template:Recital/131 GDPRCreated page with "{{Recital |Number = 131 |Title = Amicable Settlement |Content = Where another supervisory authority should act as a lead supervisory authority for the processing activities of..." current
  • 15:4115:41, 17 August 2021 diff hist +920 N Template:Recital/130 GDPRCreated page with "{{Recital |Number = 130 |Title = Cooperation if the Complaint has been Lodged with a Supervisory Authority which is not the Lead Supervisory Authority |Content = Where the sup..." current
  • 15:3915:39, 17 August 2021 diff hist +407 N Template:Recital/93 GDPRCreated page with "{{Recital |Number = 93 |Title = Assesement Prior to Processing |Content = In the context of the adoption of the Member State law on which the performance of the tasks of the..."
  • 15:3915:39, 17 August 2021 diff hist +537 N Template:Recital/92 GDPRCreated page with "{{Recital |Number = 92 |Title = Broader Data Protection Impact Assessments |Content = There are circumstances under which it may be reasonable and economical for the subject..." current
  • 15:3915:39, 17 August 2021 diff hist +1,986 N Template:Recital/91 GDPRCreated page with "{{Recital |Number = 91 |Title = Conditions Necessitating an Impact Assessment |Content = This should in particular apply to large-scale processing operations which aim to proc..." current
  • 15:3915:39, 17 August 2021 diff hist +604 N Template:Recital/90 GDPRCreated page with "{{Recital |Number = 90 |Title = Impact Assessment Modalities and Scope |Content = In such cases, a data protection impact assessment should be carried out by the controller pr..." current
  • 15:3815:38, 17 August 2021 diff hist +1,034 N Template:Recital/89 GDPRCreated page with "{{Recital |Number = 89 |Title = Abolishment of Indiscriminate General Notification |Content = Directive 95/46/EC provided for a general obligation to notify the processing of..." current
  • 15:3815:38, 17 August 2021 diff hist +688 N Template:Recital/88 GDPRCreated page with "{{Recital |Number = 88 |Title = Notification Rules and Procedures |Content = In setting detailed rules concerning the format and procedures applicable to the notification of p..." current
  • 15:3815:38, 17 August 2021 diff hist +723 N Template:Recital/87 GDPRCreated page with "{{Recital |Number = 87 |Title = Timing and Result of Notification |Content = It should be ascertained whether all appropriate technological protection and organisational measu..." current
  • 15:3515:35, 17 August 2021 diff hist +1,048 N Template:Recital/86 GDPRCreated page with "{{Recital |Number = 86 |Title = Communicating the Breach to the Data Subject |Content = The controller should communicate to the data subject a personal data breach, without u..." current
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