LG Frankfurt am Main - 2-03 O 356/20

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LG Frankfurt am Main - 2-03 O 356/20
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Court: LG Frankfurt am Main (Germany)
Jurisdiction: Germany
Relevant Law: Article 6 GDPR
Article 79 GDPR
§ 823 BGB
§ 1004 BGB
Decided: 15.10.2020
National Case Number/Name: 2-03 O 356/20
European Case Law Identifier: ECLI:DE:LGFFM:2020:1015.2.03O356.20.00
Appeal from:
Appeal to:
Original Language(s): German
Original Source: Bürgerservice Hessenrecht (in German)
Initial Contributor: Agnieszka Rapcewicz

The Regional Court Frankfurt am Main held that a person affected by illegal data processing (outside of the journalistic/editorial field) can assert claims for data protection by way of injunction claim. Such claims are not blocked by Article 79 GDPR.

English Summary


It follows from the court decision that the applicant rents a property from the defendant company. Most probably (this does not result directly from the decision) there was a dispute between the parties concerning the tenancy agreement (probably the tenancy rent) and the defendant wanted to distribute the applicant's personal data related to the tenancy agreement by publicly displaying the agreement. Due to the urgency of the case and the threat to the claimant's personal data, the claimant filed a demand with the court to issue an injunction prohibiting the defendant from making the agreement public.


Can a person affected by illegal data processing (outside the journalistic/editorial area) assert claims for data protection by way of injunction claim?


The court has found that a person affected by illegal data processing (outside the journalistic/editorial area) may pursue claims for data protection by means of a court injunction. Such claims are not blocked by Article 79 GDPR.

Furthermore, the court considered that the lack of correspondence between the letter of warning and the application in the preliminary injunction procedure does not lead to the rejection of the application, but only to the obligation of the court to examine it.


The court found that the defendant for the use of personal data may not invoke one of the grounds indicated in Article 6(1). The publication of the tenancy agreement may not be justified by the necessity of processing for the performance of the tenancy agreement (Article 6(1)(b)). That the defendant has relied on a legitimate interest under Article 6(1)(f), has neither been submitted by the defendatnt nor has it been otherwise visible.

The defendant also claimed that there was a discrepancy between the warning he received and the application for an injunction. The court stated that this was not a reason to reject the application, but only to have it examined by the court.

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English Machine Translation of the Decision

The decision below is a machine translation of the German original. Please refer to the German original for more details.

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