Category:AP (The Netherlands)
From GDPRhub
Here you can find all decisions that are related to the Dutch Data Protection Authority (AP).
Pages in category "AP (The Netherlands)"
The following 33 pages are in this category, out of 33 total.
- AP (The Netherlands) - 4.02.2021
- AP (The Netherlands) - 04.11.2019
- AP (The Netherlands) - 7.04.2022
- AP (The Netherlands) - 09.04.2021
- AP (The Netherlands) - 10.12.2019
- AP (The Netherlands) - 10.12.2020 (
- AP (The Netherlands) - 10.12.2020 (
- AP (The Netherlands) - 11.03.2021
- AP (The Netherlands) - 14.01.2022
- AP (The Netherlands) - 16.06.2020
- AP (The Netherlands) - 19.01.2023
- AP (The Netherlands) - 23.09.2021
- AP (The Netherlands) - 24.02.2022
- AP (The Netherlands) - 24.03.2020
- AP (The Netherlands) - 25.11.2021
- AP (The Netherlands) - 26.11.2020
- AP (The Netherlands) - 30.04.2020
- AP (The Netherlands) - 31.05.2021
- AP (The Netherlands) - AWB-20 2533/20 2938
- AP (The Netherlands) - AWB-21 3909
- AP (The Netherlands) - Clearview
- AP (The Netherlands) - Decision of 11 December 2023 imposing administrative fine on Uber
- AP (The Netherlands) - Decision of 18 December 2023
- AP (The Netherlands) - Netflix
- AP (The Netherlands) - Takeaway B.V. - z2022-04011
- AP (The Netherlands) - Uber
- AP (The Netherlands) - z-2021-14274
- AP (The Netherlands) - z2018-02009
- AP (The Netherlands) - z2019-28837
- AP (The Netherlands) - z2020-08787
- AP (The Netherlands) - z2020-19687
- AP (The Netherlands) - z2021-13185 / z2022-07180
- AP (The Netherlands) - z2023-00037