
UODO (Poland) - DKN.5101.25.2020

From GDPRhub
UODO - DKN.5101.25.2020
Authority: UODO (Poland)
Jurisdiction: Poland
Relevant Law: Article 5(1)(f) GDPR
Article 24(1) GDPR
Article 25(1) GDPR
Article 32(1)(d) GDPR
Article 32(2) GDPR
Article 33(1) GDPR
Article 34(1) GDPR
Type: Investigation
Outcome: Violation Found
Decided: 12.11.2020
Fine: None
Parties: Urbis sp. z o.o.
National Case Number/Name: DKN.5101.25.2020
European Case Law Identifier: n/a
Appeal: n/a
Original Language(s): Polish
Original Source: UODO (in PL)
Initial Contributor: Maciej Niezgoda

The Polish DPA (UODO) issued a reprimand on a waste management company and ordered it to notify data subjects of a breach. The unauthorised disclosure involved a list containing addresses of persons subject to medical quarantine.

English Summary


Polish DPA received a letter from the State District Sanitary Inspector in Gniezno informing about the public disclosure of the list containing the addresses of residence of the persons who are in quarantine, which was ordered by an administrative decision and the mandatory quarantine in connection with the crossing of the country border, as well as the address data of persons undergoing home isolation in connection with a confirmed infection of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. In the course of the proceedings, Polish DPA established that unauthorized disclosure of data took place in a waste management company.

An employee of the company, responsible for supervising the printed list of addresses of people in quarantine, left it for a short time without proper supervision. At that time, there was also another employee of the company in the room - a driver, who, taking advantage of the fact that the person responsible for supervising the printed list was directed back to him, copied (recorded as a photo) the list. The driver was to be informed by the person supervising the printed list whether, as part of his or her work, waste is to be collected from the places on the above mentioned list. The driver then made this photo available to at least one person.

The Polish DPA took steps to clarify the situation. It called the controller to clarify whether, in determining the procedures related to the processing of personal data concerning the addresses of persons under quarantine in connection with the coronavirus threat, it has carried out an analysis of the method of distribution of the above mentioned data in electronic and paper versions in terms of threats related to the loss of their confidentiality and to inform what the result of this analysis was.

In the submitted explanations, the company stated, that it carried out the analysis taking into account the circumstances related to the processors' failure to comply with the procedures in force in the company and the circumstances related to the stealing or removal of data. Moreover, the controller expressed the opinion that the lists received included only administrative (police) addresses, did not include first names, surnames and other data allowing to identify the natural person.


Does the information regarding: the name of the city, street name, building / flat number, placing a person under medical quarantine constitute personal data within the meaning of the provisions of the GDPR?


The DPA held that, information on: the name of the city, street name, building / apartment number, placing a person in medical quarantine, constitute personal data within the meaning of the provisions of the GDPR, and the fact that people remain in quarantine constitutes personal data of a special category regarding health. Based on the above personal data, it is possible to identify the persons to whom they relate, and therefore the controller is subject to the obligations resulting from the GDPR.

The DPA also considered that the confidentiality of the processed data was breached in the course of the performance of the employee duties of the person responsible for supervising the printed list left on the desk without proper supervision. During this time, another employee recorded the list in the form of a photo and shared it with another person. Thus in this situation, controller should comply with its obligations regarding the notification of DPA and data subjects about a data breach.


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Further Resources

The communication to the data subjects by waste management company Urbis sp. z o.o. (PDF in Polish)

English Machine Translation of the Decision

The decision below is a machine translation of the Polish original. Please refer to the Polish original for more details.


Warsaw, November 12, 2020



Based on Article. 104 § 1 of the Act of 14 June 1960 Code of Administrative Procedure (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 256, as amended) in connection with Art. 7 and art. 60 of the Act of May 10, 2018 on the Protection of Personal Data (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1781) and pursuant to Art. 58 sec. 2 lit. b) and e), in connection with Art. 5 sec. 1 lit. f, art. 24 sec. 1, art. 25 sec. 1, art. 32 sec. 1 lit. d, art. 32 sec. 2, art. 33 paragraph. 1 and art. 34 sec. 1 of the Regulation of the European Parliament and the EU Council 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 in                         the protection of individuals in relation to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (general regulation on the protection of data) (Acts. Office. EU L 119, 05.04.2016, p. 1, with zm.), after administrative proceedings regarding the processing of personal data by U. Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in G., President of the Office for Personal Data Protection,             

1) finding an infringement by U. Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in G. Article. 5 sec. 1 lit. f, art. 24 sec. 1, art. 25 sec. 1, art. 32 sec. 1 lit. d, art. 32 sec. 2, art. 33 paragraph. 1 and art. 34 sec. 1 Regulation of the European Parliament and the EU Council 2016/679 and the EU Council 2016/679 of 27 April 2016. On the protection of individuals in relation to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC ( general regulation on data protection) (Journal of Laws UE L 119 of 04.05.2016, p. 1 as amended), gives a reminder to U. Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in G .;                        

2) orders to notify data subjects of a breach of personal data protection in order to provide them with the information required in accordance with art. 34 sec. 2 Regulation of the European Parliament and the EU Council 2016/679 and the EU Council 2016/679 of 27 April 2016. On the protection of individuals in relation to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC ( general regulation on data protection) (Journal of Laws UE L 119 of 04/05/2016, p. 1 as amended), i.e .:                

1) description of the nature of the personal data breach;

2) name and surname and contact details of the data protection officer or designation of another contact point from which more information can be obtained; 

3) description of possible consequences of personal data breach;

4) description of measures taken or proposed by the administrator to remedy the violation - including measures to minimize its possible negative effects,   

within 3 days from the date on which this decision becomes final.  


The Office for Personal Data Protection received a letter from the State Poviat Sanitary Inspector in G. (hereinafter also referred to as "PPIS in G.") with information about the public disclosure of the list containing the addresses of residence of persons who are in quarantine ordered by the administrative decision of PPIS in G. and quarantine mandatory in connection with crossing the country border, as well as address details of people undergoing home isolation in connection with the confirmed SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection. According to the information provided, personal data regarding the above-mentioned persons were made available by the State Poviat Sanitary Inspector in G. to the following entities: the Poviat Police Headquarters in G., the Head of the Polish Post in G., the Municipal and Communal Social Assistance Centers in the poviat of the g. and the Fire Department Headquarters in G .. Moreover, the State Poviat The Sanitary Inspector in G. stated that he had undertaken explanatory activities on his own, as a result of which he stated that the source of the disclosure of the above-mentioned personal data was not the Sanitary Inspection in G ..                  

The President of the Personal Data Protection Office (hereinafter also referred to as the "President of the Personal Data Protection Office"), in a letter of [...] April 2020, asked the County Police Commander in G. to clarify, inter alia, whether he was aware of the incident described at: [...] and whether, in connection with this incident, an analysis was carried out in terms of a breach of personal data protection people. Moreover, the President of the Personal Data Protection Office called for clarification whether, as a result of the conducted analysis, a breach of personal data protection has been found, for what reasons it has not been reported to the supervisory authority so far. In response of [...] April 2020 (reference number [...]), the Poviat Police Commander in G. explained in particular that:           

1) lists with personal data of quarantined persons were sent from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station in G. to the Poviat Police Headquarters in G. electronically via e-PUAP to the e-PUAP KPP G address box;   

2) due to the prevailing epidemiological situation, requests for information on the addresses of quarantined persons were submitted to the District Police Headquarters in G. from the following entities: the County Headquarters of the State Fire Service in G., the Municipal Social Welfare Center in G., the Housing Cooperative in G. G., U. Sp. z o. o. w G .. The need to obtain the requested personal data was justified by the fear of exposing employees to the risk of COVID-19;           

3) responses to requests submitted by the above-mentioned entities were sent electronically to the e-mail addresses indicated by them. Data was sent in the form of addresses of people subject to quarantine, including: name of the town, street, number of property / premises, in the form of a table with the name: "CURRENT (as of ... at ...) LIST OF PEOPLE COVERED BY THE QUARANTINE IN CONNECTION WITH THE THREAT OF CORONAVIRUS";     

4) the list of addresses of quarantined persons placed in the Messenger internet communicator is most likely prepared as of [...] April 2020. The photo in the M instant messenger and the article in the indicated link shows that this list was printed in a traditional paper form in vertically and then photographed. The graphic design of the documents is divergent. At the Poviat Police Headquarters in G., the list of quarantined persons was drawn up horizontally and was not printed. On the other hand , a printed list in a vertical layout appeared on the Internet , in the upper part of the document the table header overlaps the list of addresses.                

Then the President of the Personal Data Protection Office addressed letters of [...] April 2020 to the County Commander of the State Fire Service in G., the Municipal Social Assistance Center in G., U. Sp. z o.o. with its seat in G. (hereinafter also referred to as the "Company" or "administrator") and by letter of [...] May this year. to the Housing Cooperative in G., with the same questions as to the Poviat Police Commander in G., additionally indicating the correct ways of reporting a breach of personal data protection to the supervisory body. All these entities, with the exception of the Company, stated that, as a result of internal investigations, they did not find a breach of personal data protection in their organizations regarding the disclosure of data of persons who are quarantined by the administrative decision of the PPIS in G. and a mandatory quarantine in connection with crossing the border. country, as well as address details of people undergoing home isolation in connection with the confirmed infection with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.                   

In responses to the calls of [...] April and [...] May 2020, U. Sp. z o.o. with its seat in G., by letters of [...] and [...] May this year. (reference number [...] and [...]), explained in particular that:        

    received "lists of quarantine places in the city and the commune of G." only by electronic means from the Poviat Police Headquarters in G .. The lists were sent from [...] March to [...] April 2020, with varying frequency, to an individual address e-mail address of an employee of the Company These lists included only administrative (police) addresses, they did not include names, surnames and other data allowing the identification of a natural person;      
    The lists were submitted to the authorized employees of Zakład Oczyszczania Miasta, who were to verify whether the waste was to be collected from the locations listed on the above-mentioned lists in a given period . The above was dictated by the protection of the life and health of the Company's employees (employees of Zakład Oczyszczania Miasta), minimizing the risk of their contact with the risk factors related to coronavirus while performing their work duties ;     
    on [...] April 2020, the above-mentioned list was printed. In the course of performing employee duties, the person responsible on that day for supervision of the printed list left it for a short time without proper supervision (the list was on the person's desk, and the person turned to perform other activities in another part of the same room). At that time, there was also another employee of the Company in this room - a driver in Zakład Oczyszczania Miasta, who, taking advantage of the fact that the person responsible for supervising the printed list had his back directed at him, copied (recorded in the form of a photo) this list. This driver was to be informed by the person supervising the printed list whether, as part of his work, waste was to be collected from places that appear on the above-mentioned list. Then, this driver made the photos so made available to at least one person. The findings of the Company show that it was certainly another employee of the Company, also a driver at Zakład Oczyszczania Miasta (the driver was also to be informed whether, as part of his work, waste was to be collected from places that appear on the above-mentioned list);                
    leaving without the required supervision and improperly securing the documentation covered by special protection rules by the person responsible on that day for supervision of the printed list was classified by the administrator as non-compliance with the established organization and order in the work process, for which the person was punished with a reprimand;    
    Recording by the driver of the City Cleansing Plant in the form of a photo of documentation covered by special protection rules (list of quarantined addresses) and unauthorized, unauthorized sharing of photos taken in this way at least to one person was classified by the administrator as a serious breach of basic employee duties and resulted in the termination of the employment contract with the driver in disciplinary mode;     
    the abovementioned persons committed violations that resulted in the above-mentioned consequences. In the opinion of the Company, these violations were the result of failure to comply with the procedures established in the Company, however, at the moment of providing the answers, it cannot be concluded that they fulfill the criteria of a personal data breach as defined in Art. 4 point 12 of the REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (general regulation on data protection) subject to notification to the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection.           

In connection with the explanations provided by the administrator, in a letter of [...] September 2020 (ref. DKN.5101.25.2020), the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection initiated ex officio administrative proceedings regarding the possibility of infringement by U. Sp. z o.o. with headquarters in G., as the data controller, obligations under the provisions of Regulation 2016/679, i.e. art. 5 sec. 1 lit. f, art. 24 sec. 1, art. 25 sec. 1, art. 32 sec. 1 lit. d, art. 32 sec. 2, art. 33 paragraph. 1 and art. 34 sec. 1, in connection with a breach of the protection of personal data of persons subject to medical quarantine by making available to unauthorized recipients a list containing the addresses of persons subject to medical quarantine. In addition, in this letter, the President of the Personal Data Protection Office called the administrator, inter alia to clarify whether, while establishing the procedures related to the processing of personal data regarding the addresses of persons quarantined in connection with the threat of coronavirus, received from the District Police Headquarters in G., the administrator conducted an analysis of the distribution method of the above-mentioned data in electronic and paper version (including storage on a desk) in terms of risks related to the loss of confidentiality of these data and to inform about the result of this analysis, or to indicate the reasons for withdrawing from its performance.                     

In response to the notice of initiation of the administrative procedure contained in the letter of [...] September 2020 ([...]), the controller explained, inter alia, that it had carried out an appropriate risk analysis, as set out in Annex 2 to the letter.     

In a letter of [...] September 2020, the President of the Personal Data Protection Office again called on the Company to clarify whether, by establishing the procedures related to the processing of personal data regarding the addresses of persons quarantined in connection with the coronavirus threat, received from the Poviat Police Headquarters in G., the administrator conducted an analysis of the distribution method above data in electronic and paper versions (including storage on a desk) in terms of risks related to the loss of confidentiality of these data and to inform about the result of this analysis, or to indicate the reasons for abandoning its performance, indicating that the analysis presented in the letter from [... ] September this year. does not refer to the question on this issue contained in the letter of the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection of [...] September 2020            

U. Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in G. in the letter of [...] September 2020 r. stated that "(...) for the establishment of procedures related to processing quarantine lists of places in the city and municipalities G. analysis performed, a copy of which was sent with a letter to the Company dated [...] September 2020. In the course of this analysis, circumstances related to non-compliance by processors with the above-mentioned lists of procedures in force in the Company and circumstances related to the theft or removal of data by employees or associates. In both cases, the methods of securing data were taken into account, taking into account the channels of their distribution, i.e. e-mail correspondence and printouts. In each of these cases, as in the case of processing other data, the group of persons processing the above-mentioned the lists at each stage of their distribution were limited to the necessary minimum and other rules resulting from the Information Security Policy were applied .                 

The conclusion of this analysis was that the risks related to the processing of the above-mentioned the lists, including with regard to the possible loss of confidentiality, were at an average level. There was no high probability of causing a high risk of violating the rights or freedoms of natural persons. Therefore, an impact assessment of the planned processing operations on the protection of personal data has not been carried out. "    

In this factual state, after reviewing all the evidence gathered in the case, the President of the Personal Data Protection Office considered the following.  

The EU legislator in art. 4 point 1 of Regulation 2016/679 included a legal definition of the concept of "personal data". According to it, "personal data" shall mean any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person ("data subject"). An identifiable natural person is a person who can be directly or indirectly identified, in particular on the basis of an identifier such as name and surname, identification number, location data , internet identifier or one or more specific factors determining the physical, physiological, genetic, psychological, the economic, cultural or social identity of a natural person. In recital 26 of Regulation 2016/679 indicated that the rules on data protection should apply to any information about an identified or identifiable natural persons. In order to determine whether a natural person is identifiable, consideration should be given to any reasonably likely means (including the segregation of entries for the same person) that are reasonably likely to be used by the controller or another person for the direct purpose of or indirectly identifying a natural person. To determine whether a method can reasonably be used to identify an individual, all objective factors such as the cost and time needed to identify an individual should be taken into account , and the technology available at the time of data processing as well as technological advances should be taken into account . Data protection principles should therefore not apply to anonymous information, that is to say, information which does not relate to an identified or identifiable natural person, or to personal data rendered anonymous in such a way that data subjects cannot be identified at all or can no longer be identified. Therefore, this Regulation does not apply to the processing of such anonymous information, including processing for statistical or scientific purposes.                   

As follows from the information provided by the State County Sanitary Inspector in G. and the County Police Headquarters in G., the document made available to unauthorized recipients contained a list of addresses at which persons who were in quarantine ordered by the administrative decision of PPIS in G. and compulsory quarantine in connection with with crossing the country border, as well as the address details of people undergoing home isolation in connection with the confirmed infection with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. The list included: the name of the town, street name, property / apartment number. In the explanations provided, the administrator stated that these lists only included administrative (police) addresses, and did not include names, surnames and other data allowing the identification of a natural person.           

In the opinion of the President of the Personal Data Protection Office, it is impossible to agree with the position of the administrator. When discussing the definition of personal data, it should be noted that the above-mentioned grounds for recognizing the processed information as personal data, i.e. (1) information (2) concerning (3) an identified or identifiable natural person (4), are the same as those that applied to land repealed by Regulation 2016/679 of Directive 95/46 / EC. Relevant guidance on the application and interpretation of the concept of personal data can be found in Opinion 4/2007 on the concept of personal data issued by the Art. 29, which included the Inspector General for Personal Data Protection, whose legal successor is the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection.     

Considering the element of the first premise, i.e. (1) information, the President of the UODO indicates that the Poviat Police Commander in G. in a letter of [...] April 2020, explained that he provided the Company with address information about persons subject to quarantine, including: name of the town, street, number of property / premises. It should be emphasized that in the case at hand, the value of information is also given by the title appearing on the list made available to unauthorized recipients, ie "CURRENT (as at .... at ....) LIST OF PERSONS COVERED BY THE QUARANTINE IN CONNECTION WITH THE THREAT OF CORONAVIRUS".        

In turn, in order to be considered personal data, information must (2) relate to a natural person (be related to a natural person). As indicated by the Art. 29 in its Opinion 4/2007 on the concept of personal data, this link must be examined through the prism of three independent circumstances, ie content, purpose or effect. These circumstances do not have to be combined. This means that the information does not have to "focus" on someone to be considered as relevant. In connection with the above, the question of determining whether the data relate to a certain person, should be considered individually for each information. About how much address information, based on its very content, it is difficult to associate with an individual address (literally refers to the property), it is already looking through the prism of the purpose and effect must be considered that this information, along with information about traversing quarantine medical concerns a person physical. A "purpose" occurs when data is or can be used, taking into account all the circumstances of a case, to assess an individual, treat him or her in a particular way, or influence his status or behavior. Information may also be regarded as relating to an individual if its use will have an "effect" on its rights and interests, taking into account all the circumstances of the case. A potential effect need not be a major impact. It is sufficient that a certain person may be treated differently from other persons as a result of the processing of such data. According to the administrator's explanations, the information on the addresses of the quarantined persons was obtained in order to protect the life and health of the Company's employees (employees of Zakład Oczyszczania Miasta).                    

The third and fourth prerequisites for the concept of personal data require that the information concerns (3) an identified or identifiable (4) natural person. The ability to identify a given person does not have to be tantamount to finding out their surname, it is enough to be able to indicate them or distinguish them from a specific community. The doctrine indicates that "[r] the risk related to the assessment of specific information held by the administrator in terms of its eligibility as a personal data is borne by the administrator, also when he provides certain information on the basis of which he cannot identify himself, even unconsciously. , entity or entities (e.g. by making it available on the Internet), which will be able to make such identification with the use of additional information available to them. In such a situation, the act of sharing will already be the processing of personal data, due to the fact that the information provided will be personal data. This statement can be derived directly from the phrase 3 of recital 26, stating the probable methods of identification used not only by the administrator, but also by another person ”(Bielak-Jomaa Edyta (ed.), Lubasz Dominik (ed.), GDPR. General Data Protection Regulation . Comment). As indicated above, the possibility of identifying a given person does not have to be the same as finding out his surname. In the opinion of the President of the Personal Data Protection Office, publishing the list of addresses at which persons subject to medical quarantine are located allows for the identification of specific persons by persons in a specific community, e.g. neighbors or family.               

The view of the Company that "(...) [in] these lists only included administrative (police) addresses, they did not include names, surnames and other data allowing to identify a natural person", it is impossible to agree also because, as it has already been the above-mentioned list, made available to unauthorized recipients, contained the following title: "CURRENT (as of ... at ...) LIST OF PEOPLE COVERED BY THE QUARANTINE IN CONNECTION WITH THE THREAT OF CORONAWIRUS". Therefore, it should be stated that the administrator, having obtained information that a person under quarantine lives at the address indicated, also processed data of a specific category regarding the health of the person subject to it.    

According to Art. 4 point 15 of Regulation 2016/679 "data concerning health" means personal data concerning the physical or mental health of a natural person - including the use of healthcare services - revealing information about his or her health status. In addition, recital 35 of Regulation 2016/679 clarifies that personal data relating to health should include all data related to the health status of the data subject which reveal information about the past, present or future physical or mental health of the data subject. Such data include, among others information about a given natural person collected during his registration for health care services or during the provision of health care services to him, information from laboratory or medical tests of body parts or body fluids, including genetic data and biological samples; and any information, for example about the disease, disability, risk of illness, medical history, clinical treatment or the physiological or biomedical condition of the data subject, irrespective of its source, which may be, for example, a doctor or other healthcare professional.               

Pursuant to Art. 34 point 2 of the Act of 5 December 2008 on the prevention and combating of infections and infectious diseases in humans (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1239, i.e.) people who were exposed to an infectious disease or were in contact with a biological source the pathogenic agent, and they do not show disease symptoms, are subject to compulsory quarantine or epidemiological supervision, if so decided by the sanitary inspection authorities for a period not longer than 21 days, counting from the day following the last day of exposure or contact, respectively.         

In the light of the content of recital 35, it should be stated beyond any doubt that the information about quarantining a person who was exposed to an infectious disease or who was in contact with a source of a biological pathogen constitutes data on that person's health, due to the risk of disease. It is irrelevant in this context whether the person shows symptoms or not.     

Therefore, it should be stated that U. Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in G., as an administrator, he can process the meaning of Article. 4 point 2 of Regulation 2016/679, personal data regarding: the name of the city, street name, property / premises number and health data. Therefore, the Company is the addressee of the obligations arising from the provisions of Regulation 2016/679.        

Art. 5 of Regulation 2016/679 lays down rules regarding the processing of personal data that must be respected by all administrators, i.e. entities that independently or jointly with others determine the purposes and methods of personal data processing. According to Art. 5 sec. 1 lit. f of Regulation 2016/679, personal data must be processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of personal data, including protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing and accidental loss, destruction or damage, by appropriate technical or organizational measures ("confidentiality and integrity") . Further provisions of the regulation make this principle more specific.           

According to Art. 24 sec. 1 of Regulation 2016/679, taking into account the nature, scope, context and purposes of processing as well as the risk of violation of the rights or freedoms of natural persons of varying probability and seriousness, the controller implements appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure that the processing takes place in accordance with this Regulation and to be able to demonstrate it . These measures are reviewed and updated as necessary .          

According to Art. 25 sec. 1 of Regulation 2016/679, both when determining the methods of processing and during the processing itself, the controller implements appropriate technical and organizational measures designed to effectively implement data protection principles (including data protection at the design stage).      

Pursuant to Art. 32 sec. 1 lit. d of Regulation 2016/679, taking into account the state of technical knowledge, the cost of implementation and the nature, scope, context and purposes of processing as well as the risk of violating the rights or freedoms of natural persons with different probability and severity, the controller and the processor implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the level of security corresponding to this risk, including, inter alia, regular testing, measurement and evaluation of the effectiveness of technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of processing, where appropriate.           

Pursuant to Art. 32 sec. 2 of Regulation 2016/679, the controller, when assessing whether the level of security is appropriate, takes into account in particular the risk related to the processing, in particular resulting from accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, modification, unauthorized disclosure or unauthorized access to personal data sent, stored or otherwise processed.       

As indicated in art. 24 sec. 1 of Regulation 2016/679, the nature, scope, context and purposes of processing as well as the risk of violating the rights or freedoms of natural persons of varying probability and severity are factors that the controller is obliged to take into account in the process of building a data protection system, also in particular from the point of view of other obligations indicated in art. 25 sec. 1, 32 sec. 1 or 32 sec. 2 of Regulation 2016/679. Any legal and organizational changes affecting the processing of personal data are circumstances to which the administrator should pay special attention, and any significant changes in this respect should be preceded by an appropriate analysis. The context of the processing is a factor that the controller has to address in the process of determining the probability and severity of the risk of violating the rights or freedoms of natural persons (recital 78 of Regulation 2016/679). In the present case, the circumstances related to the processing of the personal data concerned by the infringement relate to a global threat and sense of fear related to the epidemiological situation. Such a social situation and the potential harm to a natural person related to the disclosure of related information are one of the elements that the controller should take into account in the risk analysis (recital 75 of Regulation 2016/679). As already explained above, the address together with the information about being in medical quarantine determines the classification of public data as data of a special category. In connection with the indicated context, the administrator should have a particular regard to the risks associated with drawbacks difficult to overcome, such as discrimination, social ostracism, a sense of stigma, stress or potential material losses related to the negative reaction of the communities in which the person works. The occurrence of such threats due to the scale of the epidemic, in the opinion of the President of the Personal Data Protection Office, is highly predictable for each administrator and should be taken into account as one of the factors required by Regulation 2016/679 in the process of assessing the adequacy of technical and organizational measures to properly protect processing of personal data.                                       

The administrator, despite the expressed position that the data in question does not constitute data allowing the identification of a natural person, as indicated in the explanations, decided to protect them, including presenting the risk analysis of [...] March 2020 relating to the lists of quarantine facilities in the city and the commune of G .. In the letter of [...] September 2020, the Company also indicated that the conclusion of this analysis indicates an average level of risk of loss confidentiality of this data and there was no high probability of causing a high risk of violating the rights or freedoms of natural persons.     

As it results from the submitted risk analysis, the administrator, pointing to threats in the form of breach of confidentiality of data on an average level, refers to the item entitled "theft or removal of data by employees or associates". For this threat, safeguards have been indicated in the form of obliging employees to comply with procedures, signing statements or confidentiality agreements, statements about reading the provisions on the protection of personal data, signing relevant authorizations, periodic training in the field of personal data, as well as equipping the rooms with the burglar alarm and data encryption.           

In view of the provisions formulated in this way in the risk analysis, the President of the Personal Data Protection Office, in the notice of initiation of the procedure and again in the letter of [...] September 2020, called the Company to clarify whether, when establishing the procedures related to the processing of personal data concerning the addresses of persons subject to quarantine in connection with coronavirus threat, carried out an analysis of the distribution method of the above-mentioned data in electronic and paper version (including storage on a desk) in terms of risks related to the loss of confidentiality of these data and to inform about the result of this analysis, or to indicate the reasons for abandoning its performance, indicating that the analysis presented in the Company's letter from [ ...] September 2020 does not refer to this issue in its content.             

U. Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in G. in the letter of [...] September 2020 r. stated that the analysis takes into account the circumstances related to the non-compliance by the person processing the above. lists of procedures in force in the Company and circumstances related to the theft or removal of data by employees or associates. In both cases, the methods of securing data were taken into account, taking into account the channels of their distribution, i.e. e-mail correspondence and printouts. In each of these cases, as in the case of processing other data, the group of persons processing the above-mentioned the lists at each stage of their distribution were limited to the necessary minimum and other rules resulting from the Information Security Policy were applied .               

In the opinion of the President of the Personal Data Protection Office, the security measures indicated in the analysis by the administrator are general phrases and do not refer to specific events related to activities undertaken by authorized employees. In the present case, the confidentiality of the processed data was breached in the course of the performance of the employee duties of the person responsible for supervising the printed list left on the desk without proper supervision. During this time, another employee, who was the driver, recorded the list in the form of a photo and shared it with another person. The driver was to be informed by the person supervising the printed list whether, as part of his work, waste was to be collected from places that appear on the above-mentioned list.          

In the above circumstances, the employee was not the recipient of the entire list, which was supervised by the designated employee, therefore, it should be stated that the administrator applied the principle of minimization, because for the performance of the driver's official activities, the necessary scope of information he had to have were only those addresses of residence from which the waste is collected.   

Taking into account these circumstances and the analysis carried out by the administrator, it should be expected that the administrator, when implementing the procedure for providing such information, will make a detailed analysis, e.g. the legitimacy of printing such a list, and if he chooses to do so, then he will make an appropriate analysis of the organizational and technical measures that are to be reduce the risk of breach of confidentiality of data included in the list. In a letter of [...] May 2020, the Company presented an extract from the information security policy of [...] May 2018, part of which is a list of physical, technical and organizational personal data protection measures applied by the data controller. As part of the physical measures, it has been indicated, inter alia, that in the case of processing data files traditionally (manually) in a room where unauthorized persons may be present to process such data (e.g. customers or other employees), the processing is performed in such a way that unauthorized persons they had no access to this data. These provisions and the entire policy are related to confidentiality statements and authorizations to process data issued to employees by the administrator. Considering that these provisions are largely general in nature, they cannot be clearly assessed in terms of the application of adequate technical and organizational measures as part of the processing of data included in the list of addresses of persons in quarantine.                 

In the opinion of the President of UODO, in the risk analysis, the controller should take into account both the specific nature of the data being processed, which has already been clearly indicated by the President of UODO, and the human factor, which is one of the sources of risk in the process of personal data processing, pursuant to Art. 24 sec. 1 and art. 32 sec. 1 of Regulation 2016/679 and is a basic element reflecting the intrinsic essence of the personal data protection system. When mentioning the human factor one should have in mind, inter alia, recklessness (groundless assumption that no damage will occur) or carelessness (the employee does not anticipate the possibility of damage, although in the circumstances of the case he could and should have foreseen its occurrence). As indicated in the jurisprudence, it is typical for employment relationships to cause damage due to unintentional fault, which is usually the result of the employee's lack of due diligence in the performance of employee duties (see judgments of the Supreme Court of 9 March 2010, I PK 195/09 and of February 9 , 2016, II PK 316/14). For this reason, the controller, in accordance with the risk-based approach resulting from the provisions of Regulation 2016/679, should minimize and limit the possibilities of violating the rights or freedoms of natural persons whose data is processed, in particular as a result of recklessness or carelessness. In the case subject to this decision, this applies both to the employee entrusted with the supervision of personal data on a given day and the employee to whom a limited scope of information was to be provided. In addition, the controller should also take into account the specific context of the situation (state of epidemiological threat) and the possibilities available to a potential person undertaking actions, even reckless, that may expose the processed data to breach of confidentiality and the controller losing control over the processed data. The President of the Personal Data Protection Office points out that the risk-based approach introduced by Regulation 2016/679 obliges the controller to independently carry out a detailed analysis of the data processing processes carried out and assess the risk, and then apply such measures and procedures that will be adequate to the assessed risk (see judgment Provincial Administrative Court of 3 September 2020, file ref. II SA / Wa 2559/19). However, the fact that the Company identifies a medium level of risk of losing the confidentiality of this data and the lack of a high probability of the possibility of causing a high risk of violating the rights or freedoms of natural persons does not release the controller from further monitoring a given risk and taking further actions to minimize potential undesirable effects, because only such an approach allows you to maintain a level of security that allows to significantly reduce the likelihood of a breach of personal data protection.                                     

In connection with the above, the provisions in the risk analysis referring largely to the signing of relevant statements and documents by employees are, in the opinion of the President of the Personal Data Protection Office, insufficient and inadequate to the risks related to the processing, as indicated above, of special category data, such as addresses of persons in quarantine.       

In the opinion of the President of the Personal Data Protection Office, the controller did not fully assess whether the level of security is appropriate, taking into account in particular the risk of unauthorized disclosure of the processed personal data, which constitutes a violation of Art. 32 sec. 2 of Regulation 2016/679. In addition, the administrator should perform an analysis in advance, taking into account the criteria set out in Art. 25 sec. 1 of Regulation 2016/679, whether the implemented measure is effective and provides the processing with the necessary safeguards to meet the requirements of Regulation 2016/679 and protect the rights of data subjects, which in turn constitutes a breach of this provision. In the opinion of the President of the Personal Data Protection Office, a one-off and cursory analysis regarding the provision of information constituting the subject of a breach of personal data protection, also proves that the controller does not undertake any actions aimed at ensuring regular testing, measurement and evaluation of the effectiveness of technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of processing, which constitutes a violation of art. 32 sec. 1 lit. d of Regulation 2016/679, reflecting measures to ensure compliance with the confidentiality principle expressed in Art. 5 sec. 1 lit. f of the Regulation 2016/679.                     

Pursuant to Art. 4 point 12 of Regulation 2016/679, a breach of personal data protection means a breach of security leading to accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, modification, unauthorized disclosure or unauthorized access to personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed. Article 33 (1) 1 of Regulation 2016/679 provides that in the event of a breach of personal data protection, the controller shall, without undue delay - if possible, no later than 72 hours after finding the breach - report it to the competent supervisory authority pursuant to Art. 55, unless it is unlikely that the violation would result in a risk of violation of the rights or freedoms of natural persons.        

In the opinion of the President of the Personal Data Protection Office, the controller should find a breach of personal data protection before the first letter of the supervisory authority of [...] April 2020. There are many circumstances resulting from the material collected in the course of the proceedings. In the above-mentioned letter, the President of the Personal Data Protection Office called on the Company to provide information as to whether the incident described at [...] is known. In the response of [...] May 2020, it was indicated that the Company is aware of the media reports referred to in the article available under the above-mentioned address. In the indicated article, marked with the publication date [...] April 2020 [...], there are anonymised photos of a document of several pages, which is a list of data available, inter alia, Company. All entities that have such data, except for the Company, showed beyond any doubt that as a result of internal explanatory proceedings, they did not find any breach of personal data protection in their organizations regarding the disclosure of data of persons who are in quarantine. In addition, according to the employer's information on the imposition of an order penalty on the employee - a reprimand and termination of the employment contract without notice with the driver, attached to the Company's letter of [...] May 2020, the employer informed about the event on [...] April 2020. results from the guidelines of the Article 29 Working Party - Guidelines on the reporting of personal data breaches in accordance with Regulation 2016/679, adopted on 3 October 2017, when assessing the risk that may arise as a result of a breach, the controller should take into account the importance of the potential impact on the rights or freedoms of natural persons and the probability of its occurrence. Of course, the risk increases when the consequences of a breach are more severe and also when the probability of their occurrence increases. In case of any doubts, the controller should report the violation, even if such caution could turn out to be excessive. This is undoubtedly the case in the case at issue in this decision. In a letter of [...] May 2020, the company stated that it cannot be concluded that the breach of employee obligations fulfills the criteria of a breach of personal data protection.                              

In the opinion of the President of the Personal Data Protection Office, the above-mentioned misperception of the situation exposed persons under the disclosed addresses to negative consequences resulting from the controller's failure to comply with the provisions on the protection of personal data, including the obligation to notify the supervisory body about a breach of personal data protection.     

As indicated in recital 85 of Regulation 2016/679, in the absence of an adequate and quick response, a breach of personal data protection may result in physical harm, property or non-material damage to natural persons, such as loss of control over own personal data or limitation of rights, discrimination, theft or falsification of identity. , financial loss, unauthorized reversal of pseudonymisation, breach of reputation, breach of confidentiality of personal data protected by professional secrecy or any other significant economic or social damage. Therefore, as soon as it becomes aware of a personal data breach, the controller should notify it to the supervisory authority without undue delay, where practicable, no later than 72 hours after the breach is discovered, unless the controller can demonstrate in accordance with the accountability principle that it is unlikely that the breach could result in a risk to the rights or freedoms of natural persons.     

In the case being the subject of this decision, there has been a breach of the protection of personal data processed by U. Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in G., consisting in the provision of personal data to unauthorized parties concerning: city name, street number, property / premises and data concerning health. On the basis of the above-mentioned arguments, it should be stated that the disclosure of the indicated categories of data undoubtedly resulted in the risk of violating the rights or freedoms of persons subject to medical quarantine, and the incorrect perception of the situation was the administrator's failure to comply with the obligations under Art. 33 and 34 of Regulation 2016/679, despite the awareness of the processing of information, the disclosure of which may have a negative impact on the rights or freedoms of natural persons.       

In connection with the above, the administrator was obliged to notify the President of the PDPA zaistniałego violation under Article. 33 paragraph. 1 of Regulation 2016/679, however, it failed to comply with this obligation, in breach of the provision.    

Moreover, Art. 34 sec. 1 of Regulation 2016/679 indicates that in a situation of high risk to the rights or freedoms of natural persons resulting from the breach of personal data protection, the controller is obliged to notify the data subject about the breach without undue delay . Pursuant to Art. 34 sec. 3 lit. c of Regulation 2016/679, the controller notifies individuals individually about the breach of their data, unless it would require a disproportionate effort. In this case, the controller issues a public announcement or similar measure to inform data subjects in an equally effective manner. Guided by the need to effectively provide information to the data subjects, without exposing these persons to identification, the controller in the case in question, in the opinion of the President of the Personal Data Protection Office, should use the date of printing the list of addresses as the criterion for determining the addressees of the message (persons staying on that day in medical quarantine ).             

When considering the use of the Communication as a form of providing information on a breach to data subjects, the guidelines of the Article 29 Working Party on the reporting of personal data breaches in accordance with Regulation 2016/679 (WP250rev.01) should be taken into account , i.e. "controllers should choose methods to ensure the best chance of properly communicating information to all affected individuals. In some circumstances, this may mean that an administrator will use multiple communication methods, not just one contact channel. " Therefore, it should be noted that the data controller does not have to limit itself to only one form of notification, but may use such a form in each individual case that ensures effective notification of individuals about the occurrence of a breach. The message on the website should be visible directly on the website, without the need to open additional subpages. In the present case, it is also justified to use other communication channels, e.g. social networks, local websites, newspaper advertisements.        

According to Art. 34 sec. 2 of Regulation 2016/679, the correct notification should:   

    describe the nature of the personal data breach in clear and simple language; 
    contain at least the information and measures referred to in Art. 33 paragraph. 3 lit. b), c) and d) of Regulation 2016/679 (see table), that is:     

a) the name and contact details of the data protection officer or designation of another contact point from which more information can be obtained;  

b) a description of the possible consequences of a breach of personal data protection;

(c) a description of the measures taken or proposed by the controller to address the personal data breach, including, where appropriate, measures to minimize its possible negative effects.    

Pursuant to Art. 34 sec. 4 of Regulation 2016/679, if the controller has not yet notified the data subjects about the breach of personal data protection, the supervisory authority may request it or may state that one of the conditions referred to in para. 3 of this article.       

U. Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in G. did not assess the risk of infringement of the rights and freedoms of natural persons and not notified the people whose data subject of the personal data breach. Meanwhile, obtaining information by the administrator about the occurrence of a breach of personal data protection, within the meaning of art. 4 point 12 of Regulation 2016/679, obliges it to conduct an analysis in terms of the risk of violating the rights or freedoms of data subjects. This analysis makes it possible to determine whether it is necessary for the administrator to fulfill the obligations under Art. 33 paragraph. 1 of the Regulation 2016/679 (notification of breach to the supervisory authority) and with art. 34 sec. 1 of the Regulation 2016/679 (notification of the data subject about the breach).             

As a result of the analysis of the breach of personal data protection, which took into account the nature of the breach, its duration, data categories, the number of persons affected by the breach and the remedial measures taken - the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection decided that the breach of confidentiality of data, in particular data concerning: the name of the city, street, property / premises number and data on health in the form of information on medical quarantine, causes a high risk of violating the rights or freedoms of natural persons, therefore it is necessary to notify data subjects about the violation protect their personal data.       

In a situation where, as a result of a breach of personal data protection, there is a high risk of violating the rights or freedoms of natural persons, the controller is obliged under Art. 34 of the Regulation 2016/679, notify the data subject of such a breach without undue delay . This means that the controller is obliged to implement all appropriate technical and organizational measures to immediately identify the breach of personal data protection and promptly inform the supervisory authority, and in cases of high risk of violation of rights or freedoms, also the data subject. The controller should fulfill this obligation as soon as possible. In recital 86 of Regulation 2016/679 explained: "The Administrator shall without undue delay inform the person, the data subject of the personal data breach, where it can cause a high risk of violation of the rights or freedoms of the person, so as to enable that person to take the necessary preventive measures . Such information should include a description of the nature of the personal data breach and recommendations for the individual concerned to minimize any potential adverse effects. Information should be provided to data subjects as soon as reasonably possible and in close cooperation with the supervisory authority, respecting instructions provided by that authority or other relevant authorities such as law enforcement authorities. For example, the need to minimize the immediate risk of harm will require the immediate notification of data subjects, while the implementation of appropriate measures against the same or similar data breaches may justify subsequent notification. '         

By notifying the data subject without undue delay, the controller enables the person to take the necessary preventive measures to protect the rights or freedoms against the negative effects of the breach. Art. 34 sec. 1 and 2 of Regulation 2016/679 is intended not only to ensure the most effective protection of the fundamental rights or freedoms of data subjects, but also to implement the principle of transparency, which results from Art. 5 sec. 1 lit. a regulation 2016/679 (cf. Chomiczewski Witold [in:] GDPR. General Data Protection Regulation . Comment. ed. E. Bielak - Jomaa, D. Lubasz, Warsaw 2018). Proper compliance with the obligation specified in art. 34 of the Regulation 2016/679 is to provide data subjects with quick and transparent information about a breach of the protection of their personal data, together with a description of the possible consequences of the breach of personal data protection and the measures that they can take to minimize its possible negative effects. Acting in accordance with the law and showing concern for the interests of data subjects, the controller should without undue delay provide data subjects with the best possible protection of personal data. In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to indicate at least the information listed in Art. 34 sec. 2 of Regulation 2016/679, which the administrator did not fulfill.                       

The breach of personal data protection should be an impulse for the controller to review the adopted procedures in order to update them and possibly clarify them, which the Company mentioned in point 4 of the letter of [...] September 2020. It is reasonable to take into account the human factor for which the President of the Personal Data Protection Office pointed out in this decision and thus limiting the possibility of processing personal data contrary to the principles adopted in the organization. The mitigating circumstances for the final resolution include taking disciplinary actions against employees who contributed to the infringement with their actions and the fact that, despite the difficult epidemiological situation, the controller undertook to conduct training on personal data protection for its employees. The above circumstances, in the opinion of the President of the Personal Data Protection Office, do not affect the final charge of infringement of the provisions of Regulation 2016/679 indicated in the decision conclusion. In view of the above, the President of the Personal Data Protection Office decided that in the established circumstances of this case, the appropriate remedy will be to grant U. Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in G., pursuant to art. 58 sec. 2 lit. b) Regulation 2016/679, reminders for failure to fulfill the obligations set out in Art. 5 sec. 1 lit. f, art. 24 sec. 1, art. 25 sec. 1, art. 32 sec. 1 lit. b and lit. d, art. 32 sec. 2, art. 33 paragraph. 1 and art. 34 sec. 1 of Regulation 2016/679. In the opinion of the President of the Personal Data Protection Office, the admonition imposed will also be of a preventive nature, i.e. it will prevent violations of the provisions on the protection of personal data in the future by both U. Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in G., and other data controllers.                                

In view of the above, the President of the Personal Data Protection Office resolved as in the sentence. 


I inform you that pursuant to art. 41 of the Code of Administrative Procedure, in the course of the proceedings, the parties and their representatives and proxies are required to notify the public administration body of any change of their address. In the event of neglecting this obligation, the delivery of the letter to the current address has legal effect.    

The decision is final. Based on Article. 7 sec. 2 of the Act of May 10, 2018 on the Protection of Personal Data (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1781, as amended) in connection with Art. 13 § 2, art. 53 § 1 and article. 54 § 1 of the Act of 30 August 2002 - Law on proceedings before administrative courts (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 2325), the party has the right to lodge a complaint against the decision with the Provincial Administrative Court in Warsaw, in within 30 days from the date of its delivery to the party. The complaint is lodged through the President of the Personal Data Protection Office. The fee for the complaint is PLN 200. The party has the right to apply for the right to assistance, including exemption from court costs.