
Welcome to GDPRhub

From GDPRhub
Revision as of 23:31, 3 July 2020 by Ms (talk | contribs)

GDPRhub is a free and open wiki that allows anyone to find and share GDPR insights across Europe

The content on GDPRhub is divided into two databases: decisions and knowledge.

In the decisions section we collect summaries of decisions by national DPAs and courts in English. The summaries can be searched by relevant GDPR article, issuing DPA or deciding court. Every day we monitor more than 50 webpages in each Member State. This page currently contains 300+ decisions and the goal is to reach 500+ by the end of 2020. We believe a good overview of national decisions is a key to a pan-European debate on the interpretation of contentious GDPR issues. Get all new decisions delivered right to your mailbox and subscribe to the GDPRtoday newsletter!

In the knowledge section we collect commentaries on GDPR articles, DPA profiles, and 32 GDPR jurisdictions (EU + EEA). In this database you can find anything from the phone number of the Icelandic DPA to a deep dive into each article of the GDPR.

Your Team

GDPR Decision Database GDPR Knowledge
Here you can find 300+ national GDPR decisions, arranged by GDPR Article, DPAs or the relevant Courts. Here you can find a commentary on the first 21 GDPR Articles, profiles on 32 DPAs and profiles on 32 GDPR jurisdictions.
Decisions by Articles
DPA Decisions
Court Decisions
"GDPR Commentary"
GDPR Commentary
"DPAs & Procedures"
DPAs & Procedures
Member State Law
GDPR Decision Database
Here you can find 100+ national GDPR decisions, arranged by GDPR Article, DPAs or the relevant Courts.
Decisions by Articles
DPA Decisions
Court Decisions
GDPR Knowledge
Here you can find a commentary on the first 21 GDPR Articles, profiles on 32 DPAs and profiles on 32 GDPR jurisdictions.
"GDPR Commentary"
GDPR Commentary
"DPAs & Procedures"
DPAs & Procedures
Jurisdiction Profiles

Get a summary of new decisions with GDPRtoday!

Our team will send you a quick overview of all national decisions of the past days from all across Europe - right to your mailbox and in English. Obviously it's free and you can cancel at any time!

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Start contributing today!

Anyone can help add more information to this wiki, improve existing pages or correct mistakes in existing articles. Simply click the "edit" button at the top of any page and help grow open and freely available GDPR knowledge right now!


How to edit a page on GDPRhub

How to add a new decision

Page Status

  • GDPR Decisions: Currently the page includes 300+ DPA decisions and Court decisions, mainly from the end of 2019. New decisions are constantly added. We are aiming for 500+ decisions by the end of 2020.
  • GDPR Commentary: An initial basic commentary of Articles 1 to 21 is included. All other Articles need comments.
  • DPA Profiles: So far, profiles of about 10 DPAs are complete. The 16 German state DPAs are currently missing and will be added soon. All other DPA profiles include the basic information, but need to be completed.
  • Jurisdiction Profiles: So far, profiles of about 10 GDPR jurisdictions are complete. All other jurisdiction profiles include basic information but need to be completed.