
AP (The Netherlands)

From GDPRhub
Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens
Name: Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens
Abbreviation : AP
Jurisdiction: Netherlands
Head: Aleid Wolfsen
Deputy: Monique Verdier
Adress: Hoge Nieuwstraat 8 P.O. Box 93374

2509 AJ Den Haag/The Hague


Phone: +31 70 888 8500
Twitter: @toezicht_AP
Procedural Law: n/a
Decision Database: n/a
Translated Decisions: Category:AP (The Netherlands)
Head Count: 192 (2022)
Budget: 29.240.127 (2022)

The Dutch Data Protection Authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens) is the national Data Protection Authority for Netherlands. It resides in The Hague and is in charge of enforcing GDPR in Netherlands.


The AP has three commissioners: Aleid Wolfsen (head), Monique Verdier (deputy) and Katja Mur. The authority is divided in four departments. The department of customer contact and investigative audits, the department of systems supervision, security and technology, the department of legal affairs and legislative opinions and the department of policy, international, strategy and communication.

Procedural Information

Applicable Procedural Law

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Complaints Procedure under Art 77 GDPR

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Ex Officio Procedures under Art 57 GDPR

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Practical Information

Filing with the DPA

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Known Problems

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Filing an Appeal

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Decision Database

The AP has a policy to only publish enforcement decisions. In practice this means that the AP only publishes decisions to enforce the GDPR, not decisions where the AP decides there is no infringement or where the AP decides the infringement doesn't warrant enforcement. The register of enforcement actions is available on the AP website.

On April 12 2023 the AP published a policy amendment to only publish summaries of decisions in the case of reprimands. The list of such reprimands on the AP website does show reprimands going back to 2019 which had not been published before under the policy to publish whole decisions.



There is a continuing request in Dutch parliament to increase funding of the AP and even a majority of the parliament agreed on a motion to do so, but the acting government ignores it and leaves the AP with far too little funding for the caseload it has. The current budget is 25M euro and 180 FTE employed. Independent analysis by KPMG concludes it requires 470 FTE to do its envisaged tasks.


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AP is very understaffed and unable to process all the work.


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Annual Reports

The AP is a bit late with English versions of reports. Last public version (2018) can be found here. Current annual reports can be found on this page.