
GDPRhub:General disclaimer

From GDPRhub

Copyright on GDPRhub

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If you contribute to GDPRhub

The aim of GDPRhub is to make GDPR knowledge available to everyone. If you contribute to GDPRhub, you agree that you own and irrevocably license all copyrightable material and all right to it to noyb. noyb and others may at any time use copyrightable material in any other commercial or non-commercial form (this includes sharing it publicly on and otherwise deleting, changing, editing, altering, sharing, selling or licensing the content of without any restrictions).

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Legal views expressed on GDPRhub

GDPRhub is an open wiki that anyone can edit. is in no way endorsing the views published on GDPRhub and is neither liable for incorrect statements nor bound by the views expressed on GDPRhub. The content of GDPRhub does not constitute professional advice.